Other clients (e.g. also private builders) can also inquire for the selection of reliable companies in the main and ancillary building trades in the public part of the official list of approved economic operators on the homepage of the PQ-Verein, which is freely accessible to the public. Also in the public part of the official list of approved economic operators (PQ-VOB) only companies with a valid prequalification are visible.
Currently, everyone has the possibility to obtain online access to the public part of the list of approved economic operators. Please fill out the application form and send it to the PQ-Verein. Further information on the online access and its possibilities of use are linked here.
The approved economic operators were examined and prequalified with regard to their proof of suitability with regard to technical knowledge, reliability and performance in accordance with § 6a VOB/A or § 6a EU VOB/A (list of suitability criteria see Annex 1). Evidence relating to the specific contract is not included. This applies, for example, to evidence of the technical suitability of the bidders with regard to the technical requirements of the tendered construction work.